Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Adventures

Happy Halloween!!! From the princess witch, Diego, A bat, A cat, and the post man
Our Halloween festivities start on saturday with our ward party. Gracies disapeared once Devyne got there and then Chris realized he has friends now and so he is too cool for mom now, and then my little mama's boy, Carter, made a new friend. Ross was his buddy that night and he didn't want anything to do with me or Andy. It kind of broke my heart but it was nice to have a little break too. Thanks Ross :)

Carter's new best friend.
Tuesday was Gracie's first grade program it was so cute but I am not a very good photographer so none of my pics turned out :( But she said her part perfectly if I do say so myself.

Thursday was her class party and school parade. I was lucky to be able to go and watch and help in class. Her class is really small so it wasn't that crazy which was awesome cause I've heard horror stories.

Aren't they cute?!

Friday was a very busy day. It started out that morning by going to Grandma Val's to decorate cupcakes the kids dressed up but I didn't want Carter to get his costume dirty that early in the day, so last minute I came up with this outfit. Can you guess who he is?
Lil' Grandpa (Metcalf)
Then we headed up to Coalville to watch my nephews in their school parade. I was able to spend a couple hours with my sisters at the same time it was really fun. I then hung out at my moms house for a little bit until her ward trunk or treat.
Munchen on donuts.

After we hit all the cars there we booked it back to Murray to make it to our ward trunk or treat. Once we hit all those cars we were off again to go trick or treat through the neighborhood. But first we made a pit stop at our house, where we found that some one had kicked in our pumpkins which I think upset me more then the kids how can people (teenagers) be so rude? Anyways back to our candy quest. We started off and went a walking and I'm proud to say we were very successful in gathering our 2 year candy supply. We had a ton of fun and once we got home Andy and I were pooped and of coarse the kids were bouncing off the walls.
Oh how we love Halloween.