Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So I haven't blogged in a while. Life has been busy. Before I knew it Thanksgiving had come and gone!! A lot has gone on From a trip to Cowley, Wy to visit my dad and step mom to trying to get my Ushborne Books business going. So on to the present usually I don't put the Christmas decor up until after like the first week of December but for some reason this year I feel festive. So last night we put up the Christmas tree. Man was it fun. Carter loved it, he felt like such a big boy. So now he doesn't understand when we tell him he can't touch the tree. So here is my tree decoarted by a 6, 3, and 1 1/2 year old. Doesn't it look great there are places were there are multiple orniments on one branch. But the kids love it and so do I.
I collect Christmas bears with the year on the foot. so the kids are holding their birth year bear for this pic! Hey if any of you have 1999 that you want to part with let me know I will take it off your hands. I have one for every year we have been married execpt that one.


Megan said...

WOO HOO CHRISTMAS IS HERE! ! ! ! !beautiful tree :) i'll bet christmas gets funner each year with all of your kids. i'm so excited for this christmas... though some snow would be nice.

Des said...

The tree looks great! I didn't know you started selling Usborne. Good luck with it!

Peyton and Jayce said...

It feels a little like christmas once the decor is up- but wheres the snow?? That would be nice! You have great kids and the pictures are so cute!