Grace is the "M" azing student this week in her class. So Sunday night we were going through all our old pictures to put on her poster board. (Cuz you know me I leave everything to the last minute). But here is some of the things that makes my wonderful daughter amazing.
-She is an awesome big sister. She is Carter's favorite, in fact his first word was Gracie, (more like acie)
- She loves to read as do I, but unlike me she is really good at it.
- She can spell. She goes to second grade for her spelling tests!!
The things we wrote down to tell her class. Favorite food is mash potatoes with BROWN gravy, Favorite animals are bunnies and unicorns, favorite books are Sarah's unicorn and Unicorn Wings. And also we told them the story of her. She fell off the barstool when she was 18 months and split her head open. She had to have 9 stitches. Even though the dr. said her scar would grow with her skin and end up in her hair line as she got older, it's still in the same spot right between her eyes.
I love my little mini me (looks only) I'm so glad she's mine and I don't know what I would do with out her.
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