Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So I haven't blogged in a while. Life has been busy. Before I knew it Thanksgiving had come and gone!! A lot has gone on From a trip to Cowley, Wy to visit my dad and step mom to trying to get my Ushborne Books business going. So on to the present usually I don't put the Christmas decor up until after like the first week of December but for some reason this year I feel festive. So last night we put up the Christmas tree. Man was it fun. Carter loved it, he felt like such a big boy. So now he doesn't understand when we tell him he can't touch the tree. So here is my tree decoarted by a 6, 3, and 1 1/2 year old. Doesn't it look great there are places were there are multiple orniments on one branch. But the kids love it and so do I.
I collect Christmas bears with the year on the foot. so the kids are holding their birth year bear for this pic! Hey if any of you have 1999 that you want to part with let me know I will take it off your hands. I have one for every year we have been married execpt that one.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Adventures

Happy Halloween!!! From the princess witch, Diego, A bat, A cat, and the post man
Our Halloween festivities start on saturday with our ward party. Gracies disapeared once Devyne got there and then Chris realized he has friends now and so he is too cool for mom now, and then my little mama's boy, Carter, made a new friend. Ross was his buddy that night and he didn't want anything to do with me or Andy. It kind of broke my heart but it was nice to have a little break too. Thanks Ross :)

Carter's new best friend.
Tuesday was Gracie's first grade program it was so cute but I am not a very good photographer so none of my pics turned out :( But she said her part perfectly if I do say so myself.

Thursday was her class party and school parade. I was lucky to be able to go and watch and help in class. Her class is really small so it wasn't that crazy which was awesome cause I've heard horror stories.

Aren't they cute?!

Friday was a very busy day. It started out that morning by going to Grandma Val's to decorate cupcakes the kids dressed up but I didn't want Carter to get his costume dirty that early in the day, so last minute I came up with this outfit. Can you guess who he is?
Lil' Grandpa (Metcalf)
Then we headed up to Coalville to watch my nephews in their school parade. I was able to spend a couple hours with my sisters at the same time it was really fun. I then hung out at my moms house for a little bit until her ward trunk or treat.
Munchen on donuts.

After we hit all the cars there we booked it back to Murray to make it to our ward trunk or treat. Once we hit all those cars we were off again to go trick or treat through the neighborhood. But first we made a pit stop at our house, where we found that some one had kicked in our pumpkins which I think upset me more then the kids how can people (teenagers) be so rude? Anyways back to our candy quest. We started off and went a walking and I'm proud to say we were very successful in gathering our 2 year candy supply. We had a ton of fun and once we got home Andy and I were pooped and of coarse the kids were bouncing off the walls.
Oh how we love Halloween.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

17 months and counting...

So I wanted to post this yesterday but the day got away from me. But I had to mark it! Yesterday was the the 17th, also Carter turned 17 months old! Andy thinks I'm weird cause I had to blog it but I thought it was cute. One more month and he gets to go to nursery:) We are already practicing. So far he likes it. So in light of his 17th month birthday I will tell you 17 words/sounds Carter says.... (* are the ones only mommy understands)

1. Mom 2. Dad 3. Gracie * 4. shoes 5. no 6. ball 7. wee 8. meme* (mema) 9. mama* (grandma) 10. whoa 11. woof 12. raarr 13. papa (grandpa) 14. hi 15. ya 16. please 17. Thank you. He is getting so big I still think of him as my baby but I know hes a big boy.
This picture is his cheese. He knows when I pull out the camera I'm taking pictures and this is the face he pulls cute huh :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Today's Message is brought to you by the letter T...

Wendy did this and it sounded like a lot of fun. It was a little harder then I had anticipated but it was still a fun and a good challenge. So here's the deal... I was a assigned a letter and I need to tell 10 thing that I like that begins with that letter. My letter is T... :) I want you to know these are in no particular order as far as favorite and lest favorite.

1. Tom - One of my older brother's name was Tom he was 7 years older then me. When I was seventeen he died in a car accident. What I remember most about Tom is that he was very protective of me even though he teased me none stop, like all my other brothers, I new he loved me and wouldn't let any harm come to me. Christopher, my son, is named after him.

2. Tootsie Rolls - I love them!!! All I can say is yummy.

3 - Teachers - I have to say that once upon a time I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. That lasted through one semester of college. But my very best friend (my Mom) was a teacher and I want to be like her. I also have a few very memorable teachers from my school days that I will always have a special place in my heart. I also know some very awesome teachers now and am glad to call them my friends.

4 - Talents - Although I don't think I could name a specific talent that I want to claim. I love to enjoy other peoples talents. We are all different so it's nice to enjoy other talents that you may not be very good at. As my dear friend Karen said maybe it's a talent to enjoy other peoples talents. I couldn't agree more. ( I like to talk maybe that's my talent?)

5 - Ted - another older brother. He is a great role model and a awesome father. He is a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. I am very lucky to have a such great brother and he has a great wife who I am also lucky to have as sister.

6 - Temples - "I Love to see the Temples! I going there some day. To feel the Holy Spirit to Listen and to Pray. For the temple is a special place, a place of love and beauty." Sorry to rip off the song but that is what comes to mind and I couldn't say it better myself. Temples are wonderful I love to go there and feel close to my Father in Heaven. I am so grateful we live so close to so many temples.

7 - Teenagers - No I don't have any teenagers myself, but I feel that I have 14. For those of you who don't now I am in the young women's program, and I am very fortunate to spend 2 days a week with these awesome girls in my ward. I love every minute I am with them. They are great role models for Gracie. I pray that she will have the strength that these girls have when she gets older.

8 - Television - One way I love to relax is by watching t.v. It clears my mind. Andy hates that fact that I can't go to sleep with out the t.v. on. (Sorry honey) :) He's a good sport though we've learned to compromise. Hello my name is Lori and I'm a TV-a-holic. lol Yes I know it can be a bad habit and I've had to over come it. So now I'm replacing it with reading / books on tape(Cd's)!

9- Technology - Yeeessss I love technology! (ha, ha Napoleon Dynamite joke for Andy) Cell phones, computers, electricity, running water love it all. With 2 brothers and a brother-in-law in the air force I have a lot of family living out of state. And how we can keep in touch with each other is awesome. That is one of the main reasons I started this blog was so that my sisters in law can keep in touch with what the kids are doing. (as far as I know my brothers aren't really into blogging yet)

10 - Testimony - I am where I am today because of my love and knowledge of the Jesus Christ. Because of him I am free to make my own choice and when I make the wrong choice I am know that I can be forgiven. President Monson is a prophet of the Lord and is here to help teach and guide us. With out the church I know I would be lost. I love the church and know that it's teachings are true. I have a testimony of eternal families. I know that if I do what is right and do the best that I can that I will be able to live with my husband and children forever. I know that I will be able to see my brother Tom again. Each day my testimony is growing at the same time it is being challenged and because of that I need to stay close to my Heavenly Father to keep it strong.

So there's my 10. If you want to play post a comment and I'll get you a letter.

Before I sign off I need to mention my other brothers. They are just as awesome even though there names don't start with a T. They are all hero's. I love them and am proud to be their sister. They too have awesome wives that I love dearly. And so I don't get in trouble I have great sisters and sisters -in-law and brothers-in-law too. I don't want to play favorites or anything.

Monday, October 13, 2008

And one more makes 15!!

I have a new niece!! So that makes my total count at Niece - 15 Nephews - 11. And that doesn't included great niece and nephews and nephew and niece - in - laws.
She was born to my older brother Mike and sister - in - law Cigdem. Her name is Iris Ayca. Born Oct 2 at 9:55 weighing in at 8 lbs 5oz. My brother's family lives in Texas so I haven't seen her yet. I wish I could be there but I can't, so pictures will have to do for now. Look at that hair!! I think thats how much hair Carter has now and he's almost 18 months. I am so happy for my brother and his family I love them and wish them best of luck.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

So I love my kids!! But today I am letting them kill each other. All they do is fight and I am tired of being referee. So today is a free for all. One cute thing hapened today I was on the phone with and Andy and Carter wanted to talk so I held the phone up to his ear and said "Say Hi Daddy" and he actually said "Hi Daddy" twice. I asked Andy if he understood him and he said plain as day so it wasn't just in the Carter language that I only know. Yesterday he pointed to a dog and said woof it was so cute. He is starting to talk and that makes me so happy yet sad because he is getting older. Now if he is anything like his sister the trick will be getting him to stop talking:)